Wednesday 4 April 2018

Experiment 2 - THE SPACE BETWEEN 2018


Two architects.

The list of concepts relating to the two chosen architects:

Louis Kahn

Balkrishna Doshi

Deceased: Louis Kahn 

  • He establishes a hierarchy of spatial organisation in that primary spaces are often centralised, whereas secondary spaces are placed on the fringes. 
  • Focusing on the functionality whilst giving life to architecture 
  • The materiality and method of assembly of the building should be clear to anyone who sees it, this creates a grander sense of weight and presence. 
  • Form did not necessarily follow the function. 
  • "Each space should have its own shape and form." 
  • He juxtaposes both materials and geometry, using not only conventional materials like concrete, but also using timber in unexpected ways. 
  • "All matter is made up of light, and matter casts shadows, and the light and shadows make a space." 
  • There is a relationship between servant and served spaces, whereby servant spaces like stairways and corridors facilitate the function of the served living spaces. 
  • Emphasis placed on strong geometric forms of the building, which in turn dramatically influences its relationship to light. 

Living: Balkrishna Doshi

  • Interrelationship between indoor and outdoor spaces. 
  • Drawing in natural light through forms which in turn diffuses light and creates ambience. 
  • Traditionally geometric shapes are made to look new through materiality. 
  • Brutalism and ruggedness of raw materials such as brick and concrete. 
  • "Landscape is the primary architectural mediator, the ground and building are in separable."
  • Relates his architecture to the history of his home country of India. Brutalist form relates to the skilled craftsmen of his culture. 
  • Flexible rather than rigid approach to the structure.
  • Responding to the tropical climate of the site.
  • The use of columns to define a space 
  • The Buddhist caves of Ajamta and Ellora inspired Doshi to design the interior with circles and ellipses. 
  • The architecture features overlapping layers and transitional areas which encourages fluid and adaptable living conditions, customary in Indian tradition. 

6 Axonometric Sketches

-Louis Kahn-
"Emphasis placed on strong geometric forms of the building, which in turn dramatically influence its relationship to light"
-Doshi Balkrishna-
"Drawing in natural light through forms which in turn diffuses light and creates ambience"
-Doshi Balkrishna-
"Flexible rather than rigid approach to structure"
- Louis Kahn-
"Emphasis placed on strong geometric forms of the building, which in turn dramatically influence its relationship to light"
- Louis Kahn -
"Each space should have its own shape and form"
- Doshi Balkrishna -
"Interrelationship between indoor and outdoor spaces"

Initial Axonometrics

- Louis Kahn-
"Emphasis placed on strong geometric forms of the building, which in turn dramatically influence its relationship to light"
-Doshi Balkrishna-
"Flexible rather than rigid approach to structure"

3 Parallel Projections & Electroliquid Aggregation

Doshi Balkrishna - "Flexible rather than rigid approach to structure
Louis Kahn - "Emphasis placed on strong geometric forms of the building, which in turn dramatically influences its relationship to light"

Electroliquid Aggregation Test (on SketchUp)

Experimentation on the different affects of electroliquid aggregation on either concepts within the UNSW Campus Model on SketchUp. 
Test 1
Electroliquid Aggregation: Kahn Concept

Test 2
Electroliquid Aggregation: Doshi Concept

Doshi Balkrishna - "Drawing in natural light through forms which in turn diffuses light and creates ambience
Louis Kahn - "Emphasis placed on strong geometric forms of the building, which in turn dramatically influences its relationship to light

Doshi Balkrishna - "Interrelationship between indoor and outdoor spaces"
Louis Kahn - "Each space should have its own shape and form"

Developed Parallel Projection & Electroliquid Aggregation in Lumion


- On Site Context -

36 Custom Textures

36 Custom Textures from DARK to LIGHT
-In Model-
Used on  Light Rail underpass.
Rigid structure contrasting the curvilinear concept.
The darkness is emphasised in the underpass to create a shadow affect and allow for the overall design to remain minimal.
Used on Light Rail supporting wall.
Each space has it's own shape & form creating a fluid space connection.
MEDIUM texture is used as it is neither too dark or light  to disrupt the minimal style of the stop.
Used on  Light Rail supporting wall
Flexible and free orbs that contrasting the rectilinear concept and creating a subtle link to the curvilinear concept.
LIGHT texture is used to allow for the light rail stops style to remain minimal. 

Developed Light Rail Stop - 5 Real Time Image Captures

Lumion Model Link

- Site Context -

- Exterior View -

- Interior Views -
Rectinlinear Concept

Use of DARK texture to emphasis the internal under pass.
Use of MEDIUM & LIGHT texture.

Curvilinear Concept